This award goes to, well, me. I present a strong case.<br />
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– So far, I haven’t missed a single minute of any match, except to get the croissants out of the oven for the hungry troops gathered at my pad.<br />
– I have an I-Pod Shuffle. There is only one song on it – the Lions song.<br />
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Here are the lyrics, so you can cut out and keep for the next match. Sing along with the strangely grey crooning ex-club player that has been dug out of “Colin’s sliver cloud lounge” by the local rugby promoter. Think triumphant, think powerful. Think Lions. Uplifting.<br />
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“From the four corners of our lands,<br />
We’re united, hand in hand.<br />
Together we’re stronger,<br />
We join and proud we stand.<br />
Now the day has come, we are one,<br />
Standing tall for our Lions call.<br />
We’re stronger, together,<br />
We are the power of four.”<br />
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