After Glen McGrath’s untimely injury just before the Edgbaston test, in this morning’s Metro was a little “fun” box titled “You’ve done what? Unusual sporting injuries”.<br />
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Among the collection were amusing moments such as: “Derek Pringle… injured his back while writing a letter” and “Alex Stepney… dislocated his jaw shouting at his defenders in 1975”.<br />
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And then there was this:<br />
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“<b>Mistar</b>: Indonesian footballer killed by a stampede of pigs which overran the training pitch in 1995.”<br />
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I’m sorry, but that isn’t unusual, it’s just awful. He wasn’t injured – he died. And rather nastily, I would imagine. Why are Metro such a bunch of arses?<br />
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<i>Note: Mcgrath’s injury isn’t that unusual. He just trod on a ball.</i>