Rather than adding to the glut of “Best test of all Time EVER!” comments, I think we should have a few words of caution.<br />
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This was NOT the best test of all time. Best Ashes test, possibly. But there have been equally exciting and more dramatic tests, they just aren’t as fresh in our minds, and feature other countries. I agree that it was remarkable stuff. I can’t think of a more gripping, intense sport with so many twists than test cricket at it’s best – and Edgbaston was cricket certainly that. However…<br />
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England have some serious issues to sort out. Yes, Freddie might be on fire. I am a huge fan, and think that he is clearly the best all-rounder in world cricket by a mile. But here are the more worrying aspects to the team, in no particular order:<br />
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– Aside from Flintoff, we are not bowling that brilliantly. Harmison has yet to put together a really devastating spell or consistently hostile, and Hoggard is not at his best. Simon Jones is doing pretty well, but is a better old-ball bowler. Giles is doing OK, but will be attacked at all turns. <br />
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– England are still in the Ashes because Australia have batted hopelessly (compared to their usual standards). So far in the series, their top seven are averaging around 30-ish, which for some (Ponting and Gilchrist) is 20 less than their career averages. Hayden has scored just 77 at 19.25. His career average is 52. This can’t go on for a five test series. So far, only Clarke is above his career average.<br />
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– Trescothick, Flintoff and Pietersen aside, England are batting below par too. Vaughan has made just 32 runs, and Bell not much more. These two need to get some runs, and in the next test. <br />
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– Two tests in, and no player from either side has made a century. This can’t last. England need to get a player to 100 first, otherwise the Aussie floodgates might open.<br />
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– McGrath might be out, but talk of Warne being tired is rubbish. He has bowled 75.3 overs in the series so far. Flintoff has bowled just 3 balls less, and isn’t a spinner, remember. Harmison and Lee have both bowled over 60. If Warne is tired, it isn’t from bowling.<br />
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I still think it’ll go to the last test, though. And by that time, maybe even some of the “cricket is boring” brigade will be converted.