…since I last wrote this blog. In no particluar order:<br />
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– George Best passed away<br />
– Paskistan stuffed England at cricket<br />
– Martina Hingis announced her comeback<br />
– England are 2nd seeds at the World Cup<br />
– Peter Crouch has scored<br />
– Keane has been kicked out of ManU, and ManU flopped at the group stage of Europe<br />
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All of these things are big. That’s sport for you. Turn your back and it just keeps on throwing up the surprises.<br />
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Manchester United are, according to the press, a club in crisis. But examine a few facts, and it’s more obvious that the current situation is part of a trend.<br />
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Ferguson has not won the premiership or gone past the 1/4 finals of Europe since he announced and then retracted his resignation 3 years ago.<br />
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Roy Keane was always a destabilising influence, but it was ok if he was playing at the top of his powers. He is the biggest hypocrite in sport. He slags off other players for being overpaid, when he smashed the wage ceiling at ManU by demanding 52k pw. He complains of the lack of discipline and passion, but gets drunk beyond recognition and commits fouls that should have merited police action. He claimed to be the leader, but let his side down time and time again with needless red cards. He walked out of his country’s world cup because he couldn’t control his temper. ManU have done well to get rid of him now.<br />
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Ferguson has spent poorly compaired to Wenger and Mourinho. Veron, Forlan, Kleberson – these are not astute signings. Plus look at the players he has missed: Ballack, Robben, Ronaldinho. He has lost his touch in the transfer market.<br />
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The England cricket team I’ll save for another day. There’s a bigger picture there.