Time will tell whether Serena will dominate tennis again, but she was true to her word. She said she wanted to be in movies AND win slams, and so far she has. If she and Venus want to be part-time tennis players, part-time something else and have the results to back it up, then fine. Is the sport poorer for their choice? Not really. <br />
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This tournament was there for the taking, and Serena stepped up. I would dount Lindsay Davenport will ever get to be in another major final, and she missed out. She had to put away the second set and get out fast, but she wasn’t able to.<br />
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The Hewitt-Safin match has more of a buzz about it. An Aussie in the final is great. But let’s face it, we all wish it had been Pat Rafter rather than the brash Hewitt. But, there you go. Safin should be the favourite, but will those two previous final defeats haunt him? Certainly Federer deserved to win last year, but the 2002 final against Thomas Johansson is a massive tennis blip. Johansson should have been a Magnus Norman, a MaliVai Washington – finalist, nothing more. Safin made sense as champion. If that match creeps into Safin’s head… well, it could be tantrum time. <br />
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Then again, Hewitt might just start a fight on court for all the agro surrounding him the last 2 weeks. The crowd will be very boisterous. A night match, the final, a few beers. It could get ugly.