Jennifer Capriati is an eternal source of gossip from the tour. Shoplifter, drug-user, Dad from the Sopranos. It’s all there. And, apparently, porn-star boyfriend, according to Tennis-X. But, as the only news source to report the Jennifer was dating a blue-movie stud, they sadly were the only source I can find to de-bone (<a href=””>their words</a>, not mine) the story. Here is their followup:<br />
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<i>Porn star Dale “DeBone” Rutter told Tennis-X that, contrary to other reports, he was never dating Jennifer Capriati: “Jennifer and I are not dating. We met one time with a group of people and that was it. I can’t believe where these stories come from. If it were just affecting me I really would not care. But this is so not fair to her. I’m sure she is not happy. Can we clear this up. I feel bad for Jennifer.”</i><br />
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He feels bad. A tart-with-a-heart. How sweet. Quick aside: with a last name like Rutter, does he really need the nickname “DeBone”? To paraphrase Seinfeld, does Bozo the Clown really need to add “the Clown” bit?<br />
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And what is this? Sol Campbell, persistently the subject of “he’s gay, isn’t he?” rumours, and one-time tennis #1 Martina Hingis <a href=”,6903,1404029,00.html”>are a couple</a>? <br />
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So it seems: Hingis confirmed the fact according to the <a href=””>Telegraph</a>. Perhaps this is the key factor in Martina’s short-lived comeback. Who wants to trog round the lower reaches of the WTA tour, getting beaten by endless Russians when you could be hanging out in Highbury with the Arsenal crew?