After a hiatus, the newsletter is back. Here are a few things from the past month or so you really should read, if only you had the time. Excuses, excuses…


How good was the Open? Really good.

How bad is golf and the Olympics? Really bad.


The England manager call is one the FA literally cannot afford to get wrong.

If Euro 2016 was a bit on the long side, the 2020 edition will be even more over-stretched.

The story behind that amazing Messi picture at the Copa America.

How Africa boycotted the 1966 World Cup.

A great read on the World Cup of unrecognised states.


Tim Duncan is retiring as the last of a dying breed.

How the salary cap actually favours already talent-rich teams.

Call it the LeBron Paradox: how, exactly, did a team featuring the greatest player in basketball history, flanked by a pair of three-time All-Stars, get to be seen as an against-all-odds underdog?


In another era, Andy Murray would have been recognised as a tennis great.

Serena Williams’s problem: If you do something well enough for long enough, there comes a time when people start to think it’s easy.

Wimbledon 2016: The anatomy of championship point.

Sexism, scandals, and matchmaking: a year of tennis, in one brilliant comic.


The humiliating practice of sex-testing female athletes.


Michael Phelps is headed to the Rio Olympics with a new superpower: vulnerability.

That will be all. Off you go.