Haas beat Kiefer in the LA final yesterday. Haas is due a run back into the top 20 after missing 2003 with injury. In his acceptance speech, he said:<br /><br />”Little titles like this are important to me.” <br /><br />Little titles? OK, it’s not the US Open, but I doubt the crowd in LA appreciated that. Look at who has won the title in the past: Agassi, Sampras, Chang, Courier, Edberg, Becker, McEnroe. Not a bad list. <br /><br />Another Sunday, another bad quote. The Williams Sisters award for ungracious comments this week goes to… Venus Williams. After losing to Lindsay Davenport in a very tight Stanford final 7-6 5-7 7-6 which lasted nearly 3 hours, Venus said:<br /><br />”I know it wasn’t my best match. If I would have played decent, I would have won.”<br /><br />That’s it. Give your opponent some credit. <br /><br />Finally, I hate to criticise other writers, but whoever wrote this about the Williams-Davenport match on the WTA website should be embarassed:<br /><br />”The final matchup at Stanford was a unique matchup featuring two former World No.1s battling for the fourth time in the championship match of the same event, each looking for their third title at that tournament.” <br /><br />Sweet Jesus. Where do you start? Fourth unique matchup? There’s a coherent thought in there somewhere, but a few numbers got in the way.